Friday, 10 October 2008

Through gritted teeth

Still no money coming in from anywhere. To be fair they did say the BACs transfer would take 3 working days which means Monday. Fingers crossed.

Ah well, this week has involved recording a radio ad, rewriting TV ads and also a set of 10 press ads. Interesting stuff. The CD here has started making noises about long term plans and the like, which I am trying to avoid answering. I don't do long term plans. My brain doesn't seem to work that way so I just tend to go-with-the-flow/lurch-from-thing-to-thing (delete as appropriate) but it's never seemed to do me too much harm. I'm enjoying freelancing and don't want to commit to a permanent job at the mo.

We compromised with a short-term plan of me coming back next week. Then I even attempted a medium-term plan for the next six months (which depends if a top secret project comes off) but that ended up being rather waffly and then ... that's where I stopped.

Of course, the other factor is that freelancing day rates pay more than a salaried job would.

Well, in theory.


1 comment:

Jon said...

cheers, First Mate

it'll be nice to see you

please introduce yourself

Shaun Attwood