Tuesday 30 September 2008

Autumn beckons

No work on Friday or Monday, (I'm quite liking this 4 day week business) but spent the time productively on a variety of tasks instead. Time spent over the weekend mostly unproductive but good fun, involving a dog show which was a bit random, and a couple of really aesthetically pleasing cycle rides along the river in the last of the summer sunshine - definitely autumn today. And also had some lovely news from friends in Cambridge.

Back in the agency in Richmond today - I was originally booked Weds-Fri but picked up a voicemail from the CD at 10pm last night... good job I checked, after watching 'Ghostbusters'*. The radio ads I did last week were aimed at slightly the wrong audience, which isn't something I wouldn't necessarily have known, as it wasn't in the brief. The client apparently still liked both of them but has thrown one out so wants a new alternative. Only trouble being they want them to be 'funny' while also jamming in about 3 other messages and a really long URL as the call to action (which takes up about 10 seconds of the 30 second ad by itself). Not really feeling very 'funny' today either, have sore finger, neck is creaky and had to cycle to work in the rain. Bah. Hope funny bone grows back this afternoon.

No cheques in the post. Chased first agency yesterday. Invoice now officially 30 days old.

* If you haven't seen Ghostbusters for about 20 years like me, I heartily recommend it.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Tuning into radio

Finished my second stint at the agency in Waterloo. Had a random call from a headhunter (who had been given my name by another freelance writer, top lass who I worked with for 4 weeks about 2 years ago) about a possible long-term contract. It looks interesting... BUT it would mean joining the civil service (or snivel service to quote PK) and the money ain't that great.

Back in Richmond today, which I also like as I can cycle in instead of having to squish onto crowded sweaty trains. Everyone very welcoming and friendly too.

It was nice to see a job I worked on last week in its finished format with print samples already in, and it looked really good. I love it when a plan comes together. Seeing a job through from concept to completion is something that doesn't happen much when you're moving between difference places. See? I sound like an old pro already.

Briefed by 9.30 on some radio ads. I LOVE writing radio ads, in fact it's possibly my favourite media, so sunk my teeth into the brief happily. Have 5 ideas I'm happy with so far, with plenty more time this afternoon for more ideas and tinkering.

Still no cheques in the post.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Busy busy...

No working on Friday - took the day off for a meet 'n' greet and discussions about a potential future project. Naturally, this took place over lunch and the afternoon was spent on the sunny terrace of the Riverside studios, a place very dear to my heart and somewhere I spent a LOT of time during the Pink Wine Summer of 2004.

Anyway, Monday was a return visit to a really nice agency in Waterloo which seems to have ethics amongst other things, which is indeed unusual in this murky industry. Interesting rebranding exercise and copy amends kept me cheerfully busy for the day. Back here again today for more of the same, then booked for the rest of the week in Richmond.

I've now been working pretty solidly for about 6 weeks which is great, but I have yet to be paid for anything. Indeed the finance department of the agency I'm at today emailed me a 'new supplier form' to complete before they could process my invoice (which I sent to them on the 1st of September), which is making me a little twitchy. While the coffers are not exactly empty they are in need of replenishment before the next rent day, which is in 3 weeks.

Thursday 18 September 2008

Agencies marketing themselves, part two.

Second post of the day and it's not even lunch yet, you can probably tell how busy I am although I have done some copy this morning, honest guv.

Anyway, after writing yesterday about how agencies are bad at creating their own campaigns, I've stumbled across a good one. Well, almost. The execution aimed at creatives works I think. As does the one for photographers. But the one aimed at suits isn't quite there with the messaging. In my humble opinion. But maybe that's because I'm a creative.

Temper, temper.

An argument erupted behind me during the afternoon which livened things up. Accusations of creatives not pulling their weight and delivering a project on time were hotly contested by said creatives, on account of the suits not providing the right information or deadline in the first place.

This is possibly one of the most traditional arguments between the two departments, and happens regularly (if it doesn't, there's probably something wrong with the agency). It was also probably occurring simultaneously in multiple agencies the world over. I'd forgotten how much this CD sticks up for his staff, he did on several occasions when I worked for him previously. It's a good thing. "Don't you come into my department throwing your toys around,' was verbally flung across the table at one point. End result? Start it again from scratch. Quickly. Creatives 0, Suits 0.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Another day, another dollar.

A busier afternoon yesterday and this morning on some concepts for an 'in-house' job. Brainstorming included rubber ducks, bank notes and messages in bottles. In-house jobs (i.e. the agency marketing itself) are notoriously tricky and something most agencies are extremely bad at.

I'm not entirely sure why this is, seeing as this ability to communicate and persuade is what agencies pride themselves on (and the reason they exist). But it also got me thinking that it's actually very hard to sell yourself, be it via a CV or even an Internet dating site (say, for example... more on this another time).

Tuesday 16 September 2008

I get paid to do this?

I've asked for some work, I really have. However in the absence of any being forthcoming I thought I'd set up another blog. Not only does this give me the opportunity to spout forth my own opinions again, it also makes it look like I'm busy while I'm tapping away at the keyboard. Two birds, one stone etc.

So, in the seven weeks since being made redundant... I chilled for the first two, worked for the next two at a lovely place in Waterloo, went to see my sister in Tenerife, then worked here for last week (small agency in Richmond) and am booked for the next three days too. Touch wood the work keeps coming in. I've written about trains, people with arthritis, tourist attractions in Bath, and ex-service people who have lost limbs amongst other things, which has made a pleasant change from technology.

I've also approached two other local outfits (one of which I've had to turn down three times so far on account of being too busy) so we'll see.

In the meantime, I can cycle to and from work, the people are nice, there's free coffee and tea and I spent this morning surfing the Interweb for cottages to spend Christmas in. So I can't grumble really. And now it's time for lunch... Brucie bonus.