Monday 27 October 2008

A few days off

Currently enjoying a rare few days off which I'm quite looking forward to, then I have agreed to a four week stint at a new agency (new in the sense that I haven't worked for them before, and also new as it they have only recently started up).

The creative side is run by an old friend who I've never actually worked with, but I used to work with his wife years ago. I've also known lots of people who have worked with him and who rate him highly. It's actually the 4th time he's asked me to work for him but I've had to turn him down on before on account of previous engagements. And I've been wanting to work with them for sometime, so it's all good.

The less good bit is that this seems to have put the nose of the agency I've been with for the past few weeks, out of joint. They only had me booked for one day this week which I was totally prepared to honour, but then cancelled this once I let them know I wouldn't be available past Thursday. Ah well, one day versus four weeks' work. It's a bit of a no-brainer.

Right, time to start chasing the next loads of invoices. Let's see how it goes...

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