Thursday 30 April 2009

A suit? Blogging?

Yes, and he's rather good too.

As a creative, if you find a GOOD suit, hang on to them for dear life. They are as a rare as they are easy to spot. This guy sounds like he's one of them.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Love this

But then, I am a rock chick at heart.

Monday 27 April 2009


This blog is a trifle hard to keep going at the moment. So in lieu of writing increasingly boring posts, I've created a pictorial blog instead, which will run parallel to this one. So. If you want words, go to this one. And if you want pictures, go to this one. I'm aiming for a photo per day. Maybe more. We'll see how it works out.

Friday 24 April 2009

The cheques are on their way to HMRC

Well I'm still at the healthcare agency. They seem to be quite prompt at paying too, which is rather handy (although also rather depressing to see it all disappearing into HMRC's greasy grasp as soon as it hits my bank account). So I've been taking my accounts in hand. All dull but essential really. I seem to be collecting receipts in a manner that makes me feeling like I'm turning into my Nan.

Thursday 9 April 2009

A 2 day old pumpkin

Already 3 inches tall. These babies can GROW.

Old friends and new hobbies

Working again this week at the healthcare agency which is fast becoming the middle of a Venn diagram where lives past and present overlap. Him Next Door is back from Antarctic adventures on the floor below me, I'm enjoying getting to know Betsy, the cheerful and talented art director I'm working with. Also caught up with Jake and Debs, a team I used to work with in this building, who are now freelancing at our old agency which is where Robbie works. The infamous Peter Kenny was also working here on Monday and Tuesday and I even bumped into the Gnome, PK's old art director, yesterday.

There must be something in the air, or chickens coming home to roost or something...

It's nice in many ways. Not only in terms of seeing old friends, it also makes me think about what I've done career wise, the number of people I've worked with, and how I've improved as a copywriter since I last worked in this building. Was also great to catch up with Peter over some beers and a big plate of chilli. We even discovered a shared love of the song Witchita Lineman - a rare occurance where our musical tastes are aligned.

In other news, I have developed an obsession with growing pumpkins. So expect to hear more about them.

Friday 3 April 2009

My name is Peter Kenny

I've been signing into the IT system of the agency I'm working at as Peter Kenny all week, as it seemed simpler than them setting me up a new login. No dramas.

Until, however, I was moved from working on a Macbook, to a Mac G4. Signed off the Macbook, signed into the G4 - password wouldn't work.


I have 2 phones on the desk.

Neither of them work.

So I go over to the desk in the corner which does have a working phone and call IT support.

Am then told they can't reset the login password without authorisation from lady called Jane because it's not in my name.

I call the lady called Jane who agrees to call IT to authorise this.

I then realise that IT can't call me back because a) The phones on my desk don't work and b) They don't know my name.

I give them 5 minutes, and call back.

Success! They have reset the password. I hang up and trot back to my desk.

Type it in.

It doesn't work.

I sigh and trot back to the desk with the phone and call IT.

Explain situation.

They try and talk me through what's on my screen.

I can't see my screen from where I am, on the other side of the room.

They eventually agree to come up and do something to make it work.

An hour later it finally works and I log back into the system.

As Peter Kenny.