Thursday 18 September 2008

Temper, temper.

An argument erupted behind me during the afternoon which livened things up. Accusations of creatives not pulling their weight and delivering a project on time were hotly contested by said creatives, on account of the suits not providing the right information or deadline in the first place.

This is possibly one of the most traditional arguments between the two departments, and happens regularly (if it doesn't, there's probably something wrong with the agency). It was also probably occurring simultaneously in multiple agencies the world over. I'd forgotten how much this CD sticks up for his staff, he did on several occasions when I worked for him previously. It's a good thing. "Don't you come into my department throwing your toys around,' was verbally flung across the table at one point. End result? Start it again from scratch. Quickly. Creatives 0, Suits 0.

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