Tuesday 23 September 2008

Busy busy...

No working on Friday - took the day off for a meet 'n' greet and discussions about a potential future project. Naturally, this took place over lunch and the afternoon was spent on the sunny terrace of the Riverside studios, a place very dear to my heart and somewhere I spent a LOT of time during the Pink Wine Summer of 2004.

Anyway, Monday was a return visit to a really nice agency in Waterloo which seems to have ethics amongst other things, which is indeed unusual in this murky industry. Interesting rebranding exercise and copy amends kept me cheerfully busy for the day. Back here again today for more of the same, then booked for the rest of the week in Richmond.

I've now been working pretty solidly for about 6 weeks which is great, but I have yet to be paid for anything. Indeed the finance department of the agency I'm at today emailed me a 'new supplier form' to complete before they could process my invoice (which I sent to them on the 1st of September), which is making me a little twitchy. While the coffers are not exactly empty they are in need of replenishment before the next rent day, which is in 3 weeks.

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