Tuesday 30 September 2008

Autumn beckons

No work on Friday or Monday, (I'm quite liking this 4 day week business) but spent the time productively on a variety of tasks instead. Time spent over the weekend mostly unproductive but good fun, involving a dog show which was a bit random, and a couple of really aesthetically pleasing cycle rides along the river in the last of the summer sunshine - definitely autumn today. And also had some lovely news from friends in Cambridge.

Back in the agency in Richmond today - I was originally booked Weds-Fri but picked up a voicemail from the CD at 10pm last night... good job I checked, after watching 'Ghostbusters'*. The radio ads I did last week were aimed at slightly the wrong audience, which isn't something I wouldn't necessarily have known, as it wasn't in the brief. The client apparently still liked both of them but has thrown one out so wants a new alternative. Only trouble being they want them to be 'funny' while also jamming in about 3 other messages and a really long URL as the call to action (which takes up about 10 seconds of the 30 second ad by itself). Not really feeling very 'funny' today either, have sore finger, neck is creaky and had to cycle to work in the rain. Bah. Hope funny bone grows back this afternoon.

No cheques in the post. Chased first agency yesterday. Invoice now officially 30 days old.

* If you haven't seen Ghostbusters for about 20 years like me, I heartily recommend it.

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